Author Archives: kiltadminsale

Are kilts illegal in Scotland?

Are kilts illegal in Scotland

kilts illegal in Scotland Kilts are thought to be more popular today than they have ever been. Kilts are now worn proudly throughout Scotland and the world, but who can wear one? Are there any guidelines? The acceptance of an element or aspects of one culture or identification by members of another culture or identity […]

What is a Great Kilt?

What is a Great Kilt

The great kilt was not worn by William Wallace, despite popular assumption. It wasn’t until the 16th century that the plaid shirt started to resemble the great kilt. It differs from today’s kilts because it was simply a long piece of cloth. Scottish men first wore Kilts in 16th and 17th century Scotland, and this […]

How long was a Great Kilt?

How long was a Great Kilt?

The requirements of living in the Scottish Highlands led to the development of the Great Kilt or Belted Plaid (15th to 17th century Highland dress). The early tartans, made from locally sourced wool and dyes, served as all-purpose clothing that helped people survive and work in the chilly Scottish environment. Details Of Fabric Required To […]

What is the purpose of kilts?

What is the purpose of kilts?

Purpose Of Kilts Kilt wearing has developed into a rising, contemporary fashion as more individuals learn about their Irish and Scottish ancestry. Kilts are still worn today as a timeless and stylish way to embrace your ancestry with vigor and excitement. They’re not only for bagpipers but wearing one could awaken a hidden desire for […]